Sunday, August 11, 2024

Diamond Lake August 2024

 We decided to make one more trip up to Diamond Lake this summer. So, two weekends ago, we headed to the lake. We left Friday afternoon, and enjoyed some burgers, cucumber salad, coleslaw, and hash browns for supper. It was a beautiful evening, and a great meal. After eating, Elliott and I went on a bike ride and then we enjoyed a campfire and some visiting around the fire. 

On Saturday, we ate breakfast, and then loaded up the bikes to bring them on the nicer bike trial that is around 5 miles away from the campground. It was a beautiful morning for a bike ride, and we all enjoyed ourselves. We went biking for about 6 miles. On the way back, Elliott's pedal broke, so we had to get dad's truck and then find where they were on the bike trail, and pick them up. We found them, rescued them, and then headed back to the campground. 

After all the biking, it got warm enough out that we decided to take the kids tubing. We borrowed the Super Mable tube from Jim and Barb, so the kids (and adults) got to ride on that. We all had a lot of fun on the tube and really enjoyed ourselves. Dad also brought the knee board along, and the kids were really interested in trying to knee board. Neither kid really got the hang of it, but they did really well for their first try. I decided to try to show them how it's done, and I ended up getting right up. I wasn't sure how it would go, but I popped right up and enjoyed it. 

After a couple hours of tubing, knee boarding, and swimming, it was time to head back to shore. We relaxed for the rest of the afternoon, and then headed to Zorbaz in Spicer. We got some pizza, nachos, and beer. Then, dad's cousins from Austria stopped by to visit and say hi. I didn't even know we had relatives in Austria, but it was really cool to meet them and learn about where they live. 

On Sunday, I had to leave around 9:00 am to head to Fairfax for a benefit for Claire Van Eps (Dani Jo's daughter). I was asked to help with it from some of my high school friends, so I went and helped with drinks and food, and then the silent auction. Eventually, all of the family made it to the benefit. We ate lunch, bid on (and won ) some baskets, and visited with friends and family. Then, we headed home. 

Lake Time 


Ice Cream 

Tubing with grandma 

Emma's sand art 

Last night of softball for the year 

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