Sunday, August 25, 2024

Weekend Shenannigans

 Well, we survived our first week of school, and we actually didn't have any plans for this past weekend. We finally got to spend a weekend at home!

Emma had a sleepover at Lily's house on Friday for her birthday. So, it was just Elliott, John, and I. We decided to go to Great Bear for a summer celebration. They had bouncy houses, yard games, beanbag tournament, and a bonfire with s'mores. John and I participated in the beanbag tournament, and got our butts kicked in the first round. Elliott was so disappointed in us. We enjoyed some of the games, got kind of bored, and then left. We did some grocery shopping and then headed back home. 

On Saturday, I went to pickup Emma in the morning, and then we headed to the library to pick out some new books. It ended up being a really hot day, and the kids were tired, so we had a pretty easy day of some Ipad time, naps, and then indoor activities. In the evening when it cooled off, we biked over to Hayward park to spend some time in the splash pad and then play on the playground. The kids had a lot of fun, and it was nice to get them active and outside for a while. 

On Sunday, we went to church, and then Emma and I headed to the Humane Society for our first shift as volunteers. We stayed for about 2.5 hours. We made sure the cats had water, snuggled and played with cats, cleaned some kennels, dusted, and then played some more with the cats. Emma loved every second of it. It was a pretty satisfying way to spend a hot afternoon. 

Elliott spent the day playing with Salvatore. They played Pokemon, made rainbow loom bracelets, and just generally hung out for most of the day. 

The weekend in now wrapping up. The kids are in full chill mode before bed. I am trying to catch up on some things, and then I plan to shower and read and go to bed at a decent time. We are preparing for a busy week. And the heat is in full force today. It was around 94 degrees and the humidity is off the charts. It's gross outside. 

I'm ready for fall. 

Emma loving on some cats 

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