Sunday, August 25, 2024

First Day of School 2024

 Another school year is upon us. Once again, I feel like I blinked and summer flew by and now we are back in school mode. Overall, the kids were ready to get back to school. They missed their routine and seeing their friends every day. 

Emma is now in 7th grade. She is officially and upper grader, and she's the third oldest kid in the school. That's crazy. She has Mrs. Jakober for most of her classes. She is planning on participating in cross country and volleyball this fall. She has never done volleyball before, and she is really excited about it. She still loves science, does pretty well at math, but hates social studies and language arts. Emma has turned into a little reader over the last year. She is a full-on bookworm, and I love it. Her current favorites are Warrior Cats and Wings of Fire. Overall, she has a pretty good attitude about school this year, and I'm excited for her to have a good year. 

Elliott is now in 4th grade. He is officially in the upper graders room, and he is taller than most of the other kids. He was a little nervous about being in a new room, but a couple days into school, he is loving his new room. He thinks social studies will be his hardest class, and he still really likes science and math as well. I do have to twist his arm to read. He does really well reading once he starts, but it's always a battle to get him to read. And we set a timer, and once the timer goes off, he is done and onto the next thing. Elliott is going to participate in cross country and Dakota Alliance Soccer. He is really excited for his soccer season to start. 

The first couple days of school went really well. The kids had no complaints, no homework. and overall seemed to enjoy themselves. They were super tired every evening, but that always happens the first week because the kids get so over stimulated. Luckily, the first week is usually only 3 days long to ease the kids into things. 

This next week things start to get crazy. Practices start for cross country, volleyball, and soccer. So, we will be running around and having some wild evenings. But, that's the way things usually roll for us. 

We are all excited and ready for a new school year. This year, the kids are packing their own lunches, remembering their own backpacks, and being responsible for more things. Here's hoping everyone has a smooth and successful school year!

First Day of School

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