Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hawaii Day 5

Day 5 was Sunday, and we did what all people should do on Sundays, and we just relaxed. First of all we went snorkeling around Black Rock, which is located on the same beach as our hotel. We snorkeled from about 8am-10am. We were told to get out early to snorkel as that is when we would see the most activity in the ocean. We saw plenty of fish and every some sea turtles.

After we were finished with our first set of snorkeling, I decided I wanted a break and I took to tanning on a lounge chair and reading one of the magazines I had brought along. John hadn't had enough snorkeling yet so he went back into the ocean. After 5 days of not being apart at all, it was nice for us to each have a couple hours of time to ourselves. After John was done with his next round of snorkeling, we ate lunch at a food court at Whaler's Village. In the afternoon, we got some drinks at an outdoor cafe. I got a $9 Pina Colada which was awesome, and John got a beer. We also had to have some Mai Tais of course. The drinks were expensive, but they were delicious!

 By the time we finished our drinks, we decided it was time to take a break from the sun and get out of our swimsuits for the day. By the time we emerged from our hotel room, the sun was setting and we went for a sunset walk along the board walk.  It was a wonderful, relaxing day that we spent on the same beach.

1 comment:

  1. This is kind of a cruel post for this time of year. Can we please go back?
