Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year- New Resolutions

So, 2012 is over. And I have to say it was one of the best years I have ever had.

I started the year pregnant, and very excited about meeting our little girl. I also started my job in the Recovery Room last January, which is hard to believe! It was one of the best choices I made as I have way less job stress, and I really enjoy my work.

In June we had Emma, and our lives changed, for the better! We spent the rest of the year learning how to be parents, and enjoying the crap outta it.

John and I celebrated our second Wedding Anniversary and John accepted a new job in December that he will start in another week.  He's pretty excited about this change.

To round out the year, my parent's celebrated 30 years of marriage, my brother graduated college-got a job-and is remodeling his house, and my sister changed jobs and bought a house, in Mankato.

It's been a great, busy year and I don't think I would have changed a thing about it. I am looking forward to see what 2013 will bring!

My 2013 Resolutions:

1.  Eat more fruit and veggies- Create a routine exercise plan- Lose weight.
   -Talk about a cliche resolution. But I could afford to be a little healthier and would like to be in the new year.

2. Learn to appreciate the things that matter.
   -Sometimes I get upset or worry about things that really don't matter. So what if we miss the garbage truck one week, or I have to repeat myself to John a few times- as long as all three of us are happy and healthy, everything will be okay.

3. Travel to the Omaha Zoo this summer.
   - I am really excited to take Emma to the Omaha Zoo this summer. I think she will be old enough to really enjoy seeing all the animals.

4. Blog more often, about anything and everything.
   - My blogging has decreased a little this year, due to the new stress and time and energy being a mom takes. I also tend to only blog big events- I'd like to get in a better habit of blogging more frequently about anything that pops into my mind.

5. Go out on more dates with my husband and/or friends.
   - I need to pick up the phone more often and just go out with some friends. I'm really bad about just being out of touch with my friends sometimes, and there's no excuse for it. Also, John and I need to go out just the two of us a little more often and do more exciting things than just eating out. I would like to go to some plays, musical events, and any other activities going on in town.

I better stop there. I would like to actually make these resolutions a reality.

So here's to great things in 2013!!!

1 comment:

  1. 2012 was definitely an awesome year. I'm so proud of you and Emma both and I feel so incredibly blessed. I agree that we need to get our butts out of the house more often, lol. Love you!

    PS - I love your blog too. Keep it up!
