Wednesday, May 15, 2013

11 Months Old

Holy Smokes! Emma is 11 months old already.  She's almost one! I don't know what has happened to this last year.

Emma is now crawling all over the place like a champ. And of course she is getting into everything she shouldn't be. We are starting to give her more and more real food, and she loves it. She really enjoys feeding herself finger foods, and she likes trying the new flavors. She's also pulling herself up on furniture, so I am thinking walking isn't too far off in the distance!

Emma's likes:
-Breastmilk/Formula (We are finally towards the end of the breastmilk storage-we timed that pretty well
-Finger foods (Bananas, Apples, Crackers, Pineapple, and Toast have all be Emma-approved)
-Pureed foods (Still eating these like a champ as well)
-Crawling (still loving the ability to be able to move around the room and explore)
-Touching everything (She likes to "pat" different surfaces to see what they feel like)
-Talking (She is becoming the queen of babble)
-Bath time (Still loves her bath time)
-Rough-housing (pillow in the face, being thrown in the air, hanging upside-down, and being pushed around are some of Emma's favorite activities- they get the best giggles out of her)
-Being tickled (Feet and ribs are her most-ticklish places)
-Stroller rides (now that the weather is FINALLY nice, Emma loves her stroller rides. She sits and kicks her feet and looks around during the ride. It tends to be an easy way to calm her down and put her to sleep if need be)
-Bike rides (We broke down and bought a pull-behind trailer for Emma to ride in, so far we have only used it a couple times, but Emma seems to enjoy the ride)
-Daycare (She still is enjoying daycare. They are always doing activities and making super-cute crafts and she is really well taken care of)
-Emptying out cupboards/clearing off end tables (For some reason, she just loves emptying things out and clearing tables off-keeps her pretty entertained)
-Peek-a-boo (Still a favorite)
-Bedtime (When she's ready for bed, she's ready for bed. Normally we just feed her and lay her down, and she passes right out. Easy-peasy. Now, if she would always sleep through the night we would really have it made)
-Books (Loves books, and has finally figured out how to turn pages by herself and not just eat the books)
-Pacifiers (Those things are still around-but we are starting to limit them to bedtime only)
-Shopping (She enjoys shopping outings-she just hangs out in the cart and enjoys people watching)
-Car rides
-Being outdoors
-The park!

-Headbands (Unfortunately, she no longer keeps a headband on. They are so damn cute, but as soon as I put one on, she has to immediately yank it off her head, or crab about it. I have so many cute headbands, and I can't even use them. Worst thing ever!!!)
-Getting dressed (I think this is just a case of Emma being impatient. While we are dressing her, she has to stay somewhat still and can't play with things like she wants to, so she gets sorta crabby-but she gets over it pretty fast)
-Being tired (She doesn't get super crabby too often-but she does not tolerate being tired very well)
-Socks (She doesn't hate socks, but given the choice-she loves to be barefoot)
-When Mom and Dad don't let her play with things she shouldn't (electrical cords, laptops, stairs...)
-Sunglasses (Won't keep them on)

I swear every time Emma reaches a new age, I think it is the most fun one. I do wish she would stop growing up so fast, but I do love the age she is at right now. She can entertain herself for short periods of time, which makes it easier to get things done around the house while still keeping an eye on her. She's also more fun to play with, because she interacts more. It's amazing to see how much she is growing and how smart she is getting.  Now I have to get started on planning her First Birthday Party!

On a side note, it's my dad's birthday today. So....Happy 52nd Birthday Dad!!!

 Happy 11 Months to my favorite little girl!!

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