Friday, July 5, 2013

4th of July

Wow, 4th of July is over, which means summer is half over. How did this happen?

Luckily, I had a the 4th off this year, so John and I spent the morning at home playing with Emma and enjoying the holiday. We decided to eat lunch at Perkins. Usually when we eat at restaurants we just give Emma some food off of our plates, she eats it, and it's no big deal.

Well, yesterday John gave Emma some eggs off his plate, and we found out that Emma has quite an allergy to eggs. Emma freaked us out pretty good. About 15 minutes after eating her eggs, she got a bright red rash across her chest, around her mouth, and her right eye was red and starting to swell. It was really scary because it kept getting worse. But, we made a stop at Wal-mart, bought some benadryl and anti-itch cream, and Emma was pretty much 100% better after her nap (which was a nice long nap with the benadryl in her system).

So, we learned a couple lessons yesterday. No eggs for Emma, and no new foods on a Holiday!

After the allergy scare (and Emma's nap) we headed out to John's grandma's farm place to celebrate. We started off the afternoon by shooting clay pigeons. I didn't shoot any though, I was too busy chasing Emma around and trying to keep track of her. She tolerated the loud gunshots really well, they didn't really seem to faze her at all.

After all the shooting, it was time to start the grill and get supper cooking. We also had the annual beanbag tournament, in which Kristina and Tyler won. Then, it was time to watch little boys light fireworks and visit into the evening hours.

John took me fireworks shopping for the first time a couple nights ago. Growing up in Minnesota, we could not buy fireworks (at least nothing bigger than sparklers). So I had the experience of going into one of those trashy looking trailers to shop for fireworks. It was ok. It was super busy and we dropped $75 without even trying. But it was fun.

Emma finally went to sleep in her pack-n-play around 10:00pm which is really late for her. That allowed John and I to light off the stuff we had bought. It was a really fun day, but it got really late, and it's going to make for a long day at work today. Even worse, I am on-call all night tonight, so hopefully I get some sleep :)

John and I didn't really take any pictures yesterday during all the festivities, we were too busy keeping Emma entertained and visiting with family, but I did get some adorable pictures of Emma earlier in the day yesterday.

We had a great 4th, it's too bad it flew by so fast. But, we have just one more work day to make it through, and then it is Vacation time for this family.

Hope you all had a great holiday!! :)

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