Monday, August 19, 2013

14 Months Old

I didn't realize I forgot a couple posts of Emma's likes/dislikes, and milestones. The last one I did was at 11 months, and now she is 14 months. Whoops.

Well, Emma turned 14 months old a couple days ago. She weighs 21 lbs 8 oz and is around 28 inches long. And Emma can walk now! Well, kind of. She is really good at standing by herself, and her balance is getting really good. She is just a little too unsure about the whole walking thing. She will take a few steps, and do really well, and then she realizes what is happening and she immediately goes back to knees and starts crawling around. It's more a mental thing right now than anything, but she is getting REALLY close to fully walking. It's pretty exciting.

She is also doing some more talking. She says "mom" and "da-da" and she does know some sign language that they have been teaching her at daycare. They taught her how to say "more" and "milk". Emma definitely understands more than she speaks though. She waves when we say "bye-bye" and if I say "come here' she will raise her arms so I can pick her up. It's amazing to watch her learn so much in such a short time.

Her fine motor skills are also vastly improving. She can pick up just about anything, and use the pincher grasp to pick up very small objects.

Emma's likes
-Crawling around likes she owns the place
-Being "chased" (she loves when we say "I'm going to get you" and chase her around)
-Rough-housing (loves being thrown in the air, pushed around, tickled)
-Whole milk (Yep, we have transitioned to whole milk, and the sippy cup is finally working well for Emma. And we only use a bottle right before bed, but I think we will be completely bottle-less soon, so yay!)
-Finger foods (Emma's meals consist of us giving her things off of our plates, along with some extra fruit and veggies. Emma will try anything, and usually she likes most of it. Fruits are a major hit. Veggies are still a work in progress. She loves bread, pasta, and meats. And of course, no eggs or any foods with eggs in it for Emma)
-Books (Emma spends so much time looking at books. She loves turning the pages and looking at all the pictures. She still isn't quite patient enough to listen to us read to her, but she loves book non-the-less.)
-Toys (our living room toys are usually all over the living room, and it gets a little ridiculous, but Emma spends so much time playing with them, it's totally worth it)
-Playing outside (she still loves playing in the parks, crawling/walking through the grass, visiting the zoo, pool time, and just spending time outdoors in general)
-Daycare (She still does really well at daycare and loves spending time with other kids her age)
-Her crib (once upon a time Emma hated her crib, now she sleeps like a baby in her crib and sleeps all through the night)
-Pacifiers (yes, these damn things are still around. They are getting used less and less, and some day soon I am going to break down and just throw them all away, until then they do work well at bedtime..)
-Water (she loves to play in the water-splashing and playing with water toys)

Emma's dislikes
-Anytime she has to sit still or is not able to crawl/walk on her own- like in church, being strapped in a stroller, sometimes even when strapped in her car seat
-Diaper changes (this one isn't so bad, but she had a bad diaper rash about a week ago and she did not enjoy her changes then, so it's still a sensitive thing for her)
-Being tired (still gets oober crabby when she is tired, and sometime has to fight sleep instead of just giving in, but usually bedtime is a pretty easy process)

Emma is at such a fun age and I love watching her grow. This summer has been a ton of fun and I can't wait for all the new adventures to experience with her in the future :)

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