Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Butterfly House- Again

Emma is sick, again. It's just a cold, at least that's all it is so far. She's got the runny nose and cough, and snot everywhere.

She's doing ok, but bedtime is the worst. When she lays flat, all the snot drains to the back of her throat and then she coughs, a lot, which wakes her up, and then that wakes us up. So, last night was a rough night, hopefully tonight will be better.

I had the day off today, so Emma and I hung out all day. It was a pretty fun day. We spent the morning playing with all sorts of toys and being silly. After lunch, we headed out to the Butterfly House. We are in quite a heat wave right now- it's like 90 degrees out and humid, and well above average temps for this time of year. So, I was looking for some kind of activity that we could get out of the house, but still be indoors. So, we hit up the butterfly house.

Emma enjoyed the trip. We were only there for about an hour, but we had a good time. We looked at all the fish in the aquarium, and then walked through the butterfly house, which was very warm inside.

After the Butterfly House, we headed for home. Emma is finally taking her afternoon nap- it took her forever to go down. So, I am finally enjoying some time to relax a little before work tomorrow.

I also have her kiddie pool filled up with water, so when she wakes up we are going to do some swimming. Should be fun!

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