Friday, June 6, 2014

Sunshine and Hailstorms

What an interesting week. Luckily, it's been a lot calmer than last week as far as work is concerned. Monday night I had to work until 8:30pm, and John had softball, so Jim and Barb came to town to watch Emma at the softball games. I guess she just had a blast running around with the other kiddos.

On Wednesday evening, we decided to take Emma swimming. There's a pool in town where the kiddie pool is free admission, so we like to take her there sometimes to save a few bucks. She had a blast playing in the water.

Emma and I hanging out at the park



It was all fun and games until Emma tripped and fell on the cement and skinned her knee. Then it was time to grab some supper and head home.

Thursday was a strange day. I had an OB appointment in the morning, and everything is looking A-okay with baby nelson #2. On my way home, it just absolutely down poured. It was tough to even drive in. When I got home, I ate some lunch then laid down for a little nap (still catching up from last week I think) and anyway I woke up to our tornado sirens going off!!

That got my heart beating a little bit. I looked outside and it was just dark as could be, and started raining. Pretty soon the hail followed. I turned on the news, and we were in a tornado warning for the next half hour or so. I could not believe the amount of quarter-sized hail that fell in such a sort time. It sounded terrible, and was kinda scary.

Hail storm

Our deck, covered in hail

And poor Emma was still at daycare, so they had to all hang out in the bathroom while the tornado warning was in place. After about 15 minutes of this intense hail, the sun was shining again. And then that was the end of the storm.

Overall, the damage was minimal. John's car got some hail damage since he was at work and it was parked outside. Out house looks good from what I can tell, and our garden and a couple hastas look pretty tough. But overall, we can't really complain.

Thursday evening, John's work paid for a trip to the Canaries game. They got us all tickets for the party deck, so it was free food and drink all evening. It ended up being a beautiful evening for baseball, and it was nice to visit with everyone from John's work.

Today was ok. I stayed home sick from work today. I don't know what my deal is, but I had the worst sore throat ever, felt really fatigued, and just didn't feel the best overall. I slept away most of the morning, and by late afternoon was starting to feel better. 

John left for Chamberlain this evening because he is fishing in a tournament with his dad and brother tomorrow morning. So, Emma and I had a nice evening to ourselves and tomorrow will be a girls day. I am thinking we are going to go to the zoo in the morning and then maybe to the Science Museum at the Washington Pavillion in the afternoon. 

Hope the weather behaves for us. :)

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