Monday, June 23, 2014

Emma's First Camping Trip :)

Well, it took us two years, but we finally brought Emma camping for the first time this past weekend. We headed to Diamond Lake after work on Friday, so we didn't get there until around 9:30 pm. It only took a little over 3 hours to drive out there, so it wasn't too bad. Emma did not sleep at all on the drive, so she got pretty restless by the end of the trip.

Once we got to the campsite, Emma had a blast just tearing around and exploring everything. We could not get her to settle down for the night for anything. It was after 11 pm before she finally fell asleep. She was a wreck by that point, but she slept well all night and slept until 7:30pm, so that was nice.

Saturday was a very busy day. We spent the morning riding golf carts, walking down to the lake, playing on the playground, and just generally exploring the campsite. We also went for a boat ride, which was Emma's first time on a boat. She really liked it, but she hated her lifejacket. She kept pulling at it and saying "off?", but of course we made her keep it on. With all the rainfall these past couple weeks, the lake was on a "no-wake" policy, so we could only drive 5 mph. But it was still fun to cruise around the lake a little.

In the afternoon, we had a bean bag tournament with some of Mom and Dad's friends at the lake. We also spent some time just visiting and enjoying the beautiful weather. The entire family was able to make it to the lake on the same weekend, which probably won't happen again this summer so it was nice to take advantage of that.

The lake was pretty green and slimy, so we filled up a kiddie pool and let Emma play in that. She would not nap for us until 3:00pm, and then she slept for a solid three hours, poor girl was pooped. After supper, we went for one more boat ride, and then we had a campfire and headed to bed. It was a busy day in the sun, and we were all tuckered out by the end of the day.

Me and my baby cakes :)

Emma's First Boat Ride

Helping Uncle Ryan drive the boat

Tired toddler

Emma loved her golf cart "rides"

Playing in the pool

She also thought the tents were awesome :)

Helping Grandpa Jack fish

Daddy's big "catch"

Boat ride

Emma playing with Grandpa's gloves

Sunday was a pretty low-key day. We basically just packed up and visited in the morning. After lunch, we all headed home. Emma slept about an hour of the ride home, and she did really well on the trip again. No major fussing or anything. We got home around 4:30pm, and we ended up with some neighbor kids playing in our yard with Emma. They were in the pool, the sandbox, and playing with all the toys on the patio. Emma was having a ball.

Once again bedtime was a battle. She just did not want to give in. We had to let her cry it out last night until she finally fell asleep. She can be such a little stinker!

Today, it was back to work. The day was gorgeous, so after work John, Emma, and I went to the zoo. Emma just loves being able to explore and run around on her own at the zoo. She had a blast, and we all enjoyed the sunshine :)

Emma enjoying the view

Giraffes :)

Once again it was a busy, fun-filled day. Emma went down for bed much better tonight. She is currently sleeping, John is playing softball, and I am enjoying some TV while I blog :)

Now, I just have to make it through 3 more days of work, and it is vacation time :) :) :)

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