Friday, November 7, 2014

Soaking up the fall weather

Fall is slowly drifting away and making room for that nasty winter. Next week, we are facing some snow on Monday and then a stretch of days with highs only in the 20s. Eek! So not ready for that.

Emma and I have been trying to soak up the nice weather before we are cooped up in the house all winter. We have been spending as much time as we can in the sandbox, with sidewalk chalk, and just being outside in general. It isn't easy when it starts getting dark at 5:00pm now days.

Last weekend, we also finally got the nursery ready for baby #2. We built the crib again, moved the rocker downstairs, and switched dressers-we took Emma's downstairs and put a new one in her room. We still have some baby prep work to do, but we are making good progress.

Speaking of the baby, I am 36 weeks pregnant today. Yay!! I cannot wait to be done with this pregnancy thing, and meet this little boy or girl. I just came home from an OB appointment, and everything is looking good. Four weeks or less and we will have another little person to welcome to our family :)

This week has kind of been a blur. Work is getting really busy because it's the end of the year and a lot of people are getting their surgeries in before the end of the year. So work is crazy. Then our evenings seem short because it's dark by 5:00pm, and Emma takes a lot of time and energy until she's asleep in bed, and then it's time to start all over again. It's really not so bad, it's just going to be a lot easier to handle when I'm not pregnant anymore. I miss my body being my own, being able to sit on the floor and play with Emma, being able to carry Emma, and I miss having energy and sleeping at night. 4 weeks. Or less. Hopefully, a little less.

Yesterday, I was off work by 3, so I picked up Emma and we headed to the park to play. It was nice to enjoy some fresh air and play with Emma.

Playing in Menards

Helping wash dishes

Park Time

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