Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween :D

Today, was a busy, fun-filled Halloween Day. Emma went to daycare in the morning because they were having a Halloween Party with their costumes and treats, so I wanted Emma to be able to go and enjoy that. Also, I worked call last night, so it was nice to get a little extra sleep.

After some routine cleaning of the house, I went and picked up Emma. We stopped by the hospital to say hi to all of my co-workers and drop off some candy. We also went to go visit daddy at work.

In the evening, Jim and Barb brought some supper over and we handed out some candy while eating supper. John and I bundled Emma up in her pink bunny costume, and then took her trick-or-treating throughout the neighborhood. It was pretty chilly (like high 30s) so we all had numerous layers on as we strolled through the neighborhood.

Emma did really well with the trick-or-treating. She got the hang of things pretty quickly, and we let her go up to a couple houses on her own, she knocked on the door, and then grabbed some candy out of the dish once they opened up. It was pretty cute. We made a pretty good candy haul, and of course Emma wanted to eat everything. Her favorite candy of the night was suckers. She just couldn't get enough of those sugary, sticky, suckers.

It took quite a while to go around the neighborhood at a toddler pace, but it was fun. It was chilly, but fun. After a nice, warm bath and some Minnie Mouse Jammies, it didn't take long for Emma to pass out. What a fun Halloween evening.

On a separate note, I am 35 weeks pregnant right now. So, 5 weeks or less and we will meet this little bundle of joy. I am so ready to meet this little boy or girl, and to be done being pregnant. Everything is going fine, I am just tired of expanding and my sleeping is not getting any better. I think tomorrow we are going to actually get the nursery put together a little bit, and get ourselves ready for this baby.

Happy Halloween!!

I was too busy supervising to get many good photos, but here's what I got...

Fun in the leaves from earlier in the week


Checking out the goodies


Grabbing some candy

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