Wednesday, August 23, 2023

First Day of School 2023

 It's really hard to believe, but here we are at the first day of school already. I feel like I blinked, and summer is over. But, I guess it feels that way every year. 

Emma is a 6th grader this year. Again, it's really hard to believe she is already in 6th grade. I am hoping for a better school year this year with Emma. We had some struggles last year, but hopefully we can start the year out strong and have a great year. Emma seemed ready to be back at school with her friends. We also have cross country and basketball to look forward to, so we have a lot of good things to look forward to this year. 

Elliott is already a 3rd grader. How did that happen? I expect him to have a great year! He was ready to be back with his friends and back into a normal routine. We also have some soccer coming up for him, so that will keep us busy. 

We had a pretty uneventful morning getting ready for school. The kids made some smoothies for breakfast. We made sure they had clean clothes, clean teeth, and put on deodorant and we were out the door. We took our obligatory first day of school pictures, and then headed to school. 

At school, we took some more photos, visited with the other parents, and then had our opening chapel service. Then, we left the kids in their teachers' hands. 

Today has been an errand day for me. I ran around town picking things up, went to the gym, caught up on blogging (and Netflix), and podcasts, and now I am getting ready to pick the kids up from school. We are heading to the library and then ice cream after school. By the way, we are in a middle of a heat wave, and it's 104 degrees here for the 3rd day in a row, so, it's HOT!

We are ready for a busy, fun-filled fall. 


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