Monday, April 12, 2010

Wedding Shower

So, I just had my very first wedding shower on Saturday morning. Some of the ladies from my fiance's church wanted to put a wedding shower on for me, which was very nice of them. So, I got all dolled up and prepared myself for a shower.

I was a little bit nervous for this shower because I did not know many of the ladies there. My mother, two aunts, grandma, and cousin made the three hour drive from Minnesota, and I was very grateful to them for that. Including these members of my family I probably knew 15 of the 30 people at the shower. However, everyone was very nice and very welcoming.

We started the shower at 10:00am and began by talking a little bit about where I grew up, my hobbies, my current job, to let people get to know me a little bit better. We then ate some coffee cake and fruit that was delicious. Then, I got to open my presents.

I don't really like having everyone watch me open presents, I am not a fan of fake enthusiasm. But it went very well. I opened presents, mom wrote what the person gave me in the card, and then we passed the presents around in a big circle for everyone to look at. People were so busy looking at all the gifts that it took the pressure off of me.

After the gifts were opened I stood up and told everyone thank you for the shower and for the gifts. I received a lot of very nice items that are currently stored in my garage. I only had to take 3 items back, all because they were doubled up on. And I have no problem taking items back and getting store credit and Target, I can definetly put those gift cards to good use.

I have even written all my thank-yous already. Last night, while watching the third season of lost, I wrote 40 thank-you cards. I wrote and wrote until my hand was ready to fall off. One thing that was a very good idea, is I brought the thank you envelopes to the shower and had the guest self-address the thank yous to themselves so I would not have to look up all those addresses. That saved me a lot of time and hassle!!!!

So, the shower was a blast! And I am lucky enough to have a second shower coming up in May. Not every bride can say that she got two showers for her wedding. I am looking forward to this shower a little more just because I will know everyone there and it is taking place at my church back home. It will be with familiar people in a familiar setting. This wedding shower was a lot of fun and I am looking forward to my shower in May.

Thanks for reading!

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