Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Year Anniversary of 9/11

I cannot believe it has been ten years since 9/11. I can remember that day like it was yesterday. I was 14 years old and I was a freshman in high school. We completed out first class of the day, and I was in homeroom at around 9:00 am. I can't remember if there was an announcement, but we turned on the TV and saw that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. At the time, I really didn't know what the World Trade Center was, but I knew something was obviously wrong.

I really did not understand the importance of what happened at the time. Homeroom ended ten minutes later, and we all continued on for the rest of the school day. I remember thinking that maybe it was just an accident or something. However, once I got home literally every TV channel was reporting on the events that happened that day. I didn't know anything about the Pentagon or Shanksville, PA until I got home and listened to all the news.

This was the first attack on America that I had ever lived through, and I remember being scared. I just didn't know what to expect. Were we heading toward WWIII? Would we retaliate? Are we safe? As scary as those next couple days were, I remember how comforting it was to see Americans united and face the aftermath of the attack. The heroic acts of many Americans helped remind me what this country stands for, and if we come together we can face anything.

Now, ten years later we remember all those people lost on 9/11. We remember the rescue workers who risked their own lives to save others. We remember the courage of those aboard flight 93. We remember the families who lost someone on that terrible day. We remember all those who gave their lives during this War on Terrorism. We will always remember, but we also look to the future. We look forward to a time when there can be peace and all those serving over seas can come home. As long as Americans remain united, we can face anything that tomorrow brings.

God Bless America!

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