Wednesday, September 18, 2013

15 months old

Sorry I have been a little MIA with the blogging lately. Somehow, time has gotten away from me again. This last weekend, I courageously spent 6 hours in the car with Emma, by myself.

I ended up having Friday off, and John had to work Friday and had a wedding to shoot Saturday, so I decided to take Emma with me to go to Minnesota to visit the family. Emma did pretty well on the trip, she slept some of the trip, and I brought a ton of toys along to help keep her entertained.

She had a good time with the grandparents, even though she was a snotty, coughing mess the entire weekend. She was in a really good mood though, and enjoyed all the attention.

I also got to hang out with some friends from back home, so that was nice!

Emma had a lot of fun climbing into one of my mom's big pots and having us give her rides in them. It was really random, but hilarious.

Emma is 15 months old already. She is walking around like crazy, she's got all 4 molars popping through, and she doesn't say many words yet, but she keeps making new sounds and babbles a lot. Her sleeping habits are still good, she goes down around 8-8:30 and sleeps until around 7-7:30. I am loving the full nights of sleep!

Emma's likes
-Whole milk
-Meat (Emma will basically eat anything that we give her, but she especially loves meat, any kind of meat she just gobbles it up, vegetables are another story)
-Pacifiers (She still uses these damn things, but most of the time it is just at night time, and we hope to be rid of them soon)
-Being outside (She loves to play outside, and she can get kinda crabby when we don't let her)
-Car rides (As long as they are not three hours long, she likes her car rides)
-Emptying out all of our cupboards (We clean up the same messes day after day, it's a little annoying, but whatever keeps Emma entertained..)
-Mommy (Emma has a ridiculous attachment to me right now. Like if John takes her away from me, she just screams. She definitely is showing  a favorite right now, it makes me feel good, but I feel bad for John. But it's just a phase, and she will get over it eventually)
-Her puppy "Violet" and a purple penguin (These are her favorite stuffed animals and she squeals and hugs them whenever she sees them)
-Eating (When Emma is hungry, she wants to eat NOW, and not a second later)
-When mom or dad pick her up from daycare (Her face lights up, she squeals, and walks over to meet us, Cutest thing ever!!!)
-Daycare (She still likes daycare. They tell us she is very well behaved, gets along with others, and tends to be one of the quiet ones at daycare)
-Bananas, Cheerios, Peaches, Watermelon, Peanut Butter Bread (favorite foods!)
-Tongues, mouths (She is obsessed lately with touching our tongues, and putting her fingers in our mouth, kinda weird, but she is amazed by it)
-Bath time (She still loves her bath time and it really helps her relax before bedtime)

Emma's Dislikes
-Having her nose wiped/sucked out (With her teething, her nose has been running like crazy, we are constantly wiping it off, and she doesn't exactly love that)
-Anything where she has to lay still, like diaper changes and getting dressed
-Vegetables (Sometimes she eats them, and most of the time she doesn't...)
-Being tired (She does not handle being tired well, she fights sleep, gets restless, and gets really whiny)

Overall, Emma is doing really well, and we are very blest to have such an easy-going toddler. We love her so much, and it's hard to believe how fast she is growing up. I watch her walking around like a pro, and it's hard to believe how far she's come in just 15 months.

I think this is one of my favorite ages, and I look forward to all the new milestones to come!

P.S. I am more than ready for Emma to be done teething for a while. These molars have been kind of a nightmare. It is just constant snot and frequent coughing. It's been about a week, with no end in sight...

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