Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Projects, Projects, Projects..

This last weekend was very project-filled. The weather was beautiful, we really didn't have any major plans, so we decided to get some stuff done around the house.

I did my typical clean-up the house tasks, but we also spend a lot of time getting yard work done. We mowed, and fertilized the lawn. We finally fixed one of our posts on our fence that had rotted away. We had been planning on fixing that post for like over a year now, and we finally got around to it. John's dad came out to help-they were digging holes, mixing cement, and we now have a post that actually holds our fence in place in the wind.

We have finally hired a contractor to fix our roof, gutters, window, screens, mailbox, and a few other things that were damaged in that hail storm about a month ago. This whole project has been sort of a headache. We got bids from about 5-6 different companies, and then we had to make a decision. We had to wait for our insurance money to get to us from AAA, and now finally we have someone hired. And they think they will be able to come to our house by the end of this week, or beginning of next week. Yay, for having that off our plate!

I have also been decorating for fall lately. I love fall. I love the cool mornings and evening, the leaves changing colors, the apple cider, apple crisp, football, decorating with pumpkins and all the fall colors.  Also the pumpkin spice and cinnamon apple candles in my house are awesome!! My mom gave me two boxes of fall/halloween decorations that she did not want anymore, so I have been having a lot of fun with those. And Barb has promised me some Mums and pumpkins from her greenhouse, so I am excited to get decorating with those!

We also got our new washer and dryer a couple weeks ago, I don't know if I mentioned that or not. But I love them. They are so much quieter and have so many more settings than my old set. Laundry is fun again!!

And now for an Emma update. I think this is the furthest in a post I have gotten without mentioning Emma in a long time! Emma is good. Still walking all over the place like a champ. She is happy as can be during the day, but the nights are still kinda terrible right now. She goes to bed really well, but then she starts having coughing fits that wake her up, and then that wakes us up. I don't know if this is just a teething thing, or if she has a cold, but I wish it would stop already. We have a doctor's appointment on Monday, so hopefully they can help us in some way, or figure out what's going on.

My sister had a wedding in Colorado last weekend, so she parked her vehicle here because she flew out of Sioux Falls with some friends. So, Rachel and Emma had a day together on Monday, and they had a lot of fun together! They went out to eat and then to the zoo. It's nice when Emma gets to hang out with her aunt by herself, and Rachel loves it.

Emma and I hung out outside yesterday. It was such a beautiful evening, and Emma had fun just running around outside and burning off some energy.

Sorry for the wordy blog post, but we have had a lot of stuff going on lately!! Hopefully, we are done with all this insurance stuff and repairs for a while. I am currently enjoying some apple cider, and a day off. Emma is at daycare, until I go pick her up in a little while, so for now, it's relaxation time for this momma.

Hope everyone enjoy's their hump day!!

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