Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day

Whew, what a day. What a weekend!

Yesterday, the three of us had a picnic lunch at a park in Sioux Falls. The weather was gorgeous, so we decided to eat a lunch in the park and then play. It was really fun. Emma enjoyed it all, from eating on a blanket to running around the playground. We wore her out!

Today, we started off our Labor Day by going to a park again. We met up with John's cousin Marie and her daughter Abby, who is about a month older than Emma. They had fun playing together and spending some time outside on such a nice day.

After the park, we went to Catfish Bay, which is a ski show on the outer edge of town. It was pretty good. It was hot though. We sat in the direct sunlight for 2 hours straight, and we all got pretty sunburnt. Emma got a little fussy during the show too, it was kind of a long outing for her, and she got pretty warm as well.

We learned that if we go again, it will be in the evening time. It was cool to see all the jumps and flips, and it was free, so it was a good time.

It was a wonderful holiday weekend, but it was busy. We are all pretty shot in the Nelson household, and I am so not ready for work in the morning, but a routine might be nice again as well, and on this Labor Day I am grateful to have a job I love and can be proud of.

Happy Labor Day!!!

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