Sunday, September 1, 2013

Happy September!!

Is it really September already? That's crazy! Although, I am enjoying the cool down. Today, it's only a high of 82 and the humidity is way less than it has been!

On Friday, Emma and I ended up going to the pool, and we had a blast. John joined us once he got off work, and we had a great family outing at the pool.

I had to work Saturday (boo), so John and Emma spent the day together. I was actually home at a decent time though, so I was able to have supper with them and then play with Emma and give her a bath.

I was called back to work at about 9:30pm and while I was gone at work, we had a hail storm hit our house. There was golf-sized hail, very strong winds, and rain. John said it was very loud when it was hitting the house-but Emma slept through the whole thing.

We walked around and assessed any damages this morning, and we have one window we need to replace, two screens, and a vent. Luckily, it isn't too bad and maybe our home insurance will help pay some of it.

So, this next week will consist of us fixing up our home. That good ol' South Dakota weather.

Today, we plan on spending some time outside, maybe at a park, and enjoying the cooler weather once Emma is awake from her nap. We might even have a picnic, which we have not done in a LONG time.

I do have Labor Day off as well, and we are planning on spending it with John's parents and attending a ski show at CatFish Bay. I don't really know what to expect, but it should be fun!

Hope everyone enjoys their Holiday Weekend :)

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