Monday, December 29, 2014

Odds and Ends

We are slowly settling back into a routine at home after all the Holiday Craziness that was last week. I spent yesterday cleaning the house and running some errands, so it feels like we are organized and running a smooth household again.

John and Emma spent some time playing outside in the snow, and Emma absolutely loved it. She did some sledding, and then just enjoyed playing with the snow. She is just so darn adorable sometimes. She handled the holidays very well, and she keeps asking where Grandma, Grandpa, and Rachel are. I guess she enjoyed all the company, and misses them!!

Emma is starting to get a cold, I am sure the lack of quality sleep over the week did a number on her. Luckily, she hasn't been sick in a while, and hopefully this doesn't become much more than a cold, there has been some flu cases going around lately, yuck! I was a little nervous letting her go to daycare today. Hope she doesn't get anything too serious from there!!

Elliott is still a difficult sleeping companion. He is a grunter and a moaner, and just makes more noise than I thought possible from someone so little. He is just very gassy, and has a hard time passing his gas. I read online about Grunting Baby Syndrome (apparently it's a thing), and basically he hasn't figured out that in order to poop, he has to relax his pelvic floor (aka his anus) in order to be successful. Basically, he tenses up everything, and then grunts and groans, and can't figure out why he can't poop. There's really nothing to do about it, and he just needs to outgrow it, but it is so frustrating. And it makes for a poor night's sleep for both of us. So, the struggles continue.

Last night, we packed the kids up and went to Falls Park to see the lights for one more time before they shut them off for the year. Emma really enjoyed seeing them, and Elliott slept through it.

Today, our furnace isn't working right, so it is currently 64 degrees in our house. So Elliott and I are trying to stay warm until the Waterbury man comes to fix it.

It's hard to believe 2014 is almost over, it has been quite the year!! Hope everyone has a Happy and Safe New Year!!!!

Emma and her Minnies

Elliott 12 lbs 6 oz at 1 month!!!

Nap time with Minnies 

Daddy and Elliott 

Fun in the snow

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