Thursday, December 11, 2014

Two Weeks Old.

Whew, what a crazy couple of weeks it has been. Eli is 17 days old, and it has been quite an adjustment having a newborn in the house again. I forgot how long the nights can be. I know it's pretty short term, and before I know it he will be sleeping better, but for right now, the nights are long, and the days fly by.

Eli is doing well. Holy moly can that boy eat. I started having problems with him latching on properly, so I started pumping full-time and that boy can put away a 5 oz bottle like nothing, and then want to eat again in 2 hours. So far, I am just barely keeping up with him, but I may need to supplement with some formula down the road. I'm not super excited about that, but I don't have much of a choice if I can't keep up to him. We will see what happens.

Other than eating all the time, Eli is a pretty typical newborn. Adorable. Sleeps often, but not for very long stretches. Likes to cuddle. Loves his swing. Really likes his pacifier. And poops and pees constantly. His umbilical cord fell off the other day, so we were finally able to give him a real bath, and he smells so good after we give him a bath. He doesn't quite enjoy his baths yet, but he's getting better at them.

My family :)

Emma snuggling with Grandma and Grandpa

Bath time

Nap time

Emma had a little bit of a rough time adjusting to having a little brother around. There were a lot of tantrums, yelling, and crying for the first few days. Luckily, things have gotten remarkably better at home. Emma is doing much better, and seems to have adjusted to having another family member. She still doesn't want to hold him or kiss him, but she tolerates him. 

We have finally gotten into a pretty good routine at home as well. Emma goes to daycare during the day, and then once her and John get home, we have supper. Then Emma and I play while John and Eli get some cuddles in. Emma gets her bath at around 7pm, and then we play some more. At 8:00pm we watch Frozen, and 8:30pm is bedtime for Emma. Eli naps on and off all evening, but goes down for the night around 10:00pm, and then he wakes up anywhere from 2-4 hours later for another feeding. I am still working on trying to get him into more of a routine, but it is a work in progress. 

Overall, things are going very well. I am very blessed to have a happy, healthy family. I look forward to sleeping again someday, and not being the sole source of food for another human being. But until that time comes, I am hanging in there. I am so happy to be a family of four now!!!

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