Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Elliott James Nelson

I can't believe it's taken me 9 days to blog about our new little addition to the family! But, needless to say, things have been a little crazy and hectic adjusting to a newborn in the house again. It's been a little exhausting and a little overwhelming having both a newborn and a very busy toddler, but it has been wonderful!

Monday, November 24th, started basically like any other day. I woke up at 5 am having some contractions, but they were mild, and were pretty spaced apart. So, I got myself and Emma ready for the day, dropped Emma off at daycare, and then headed to work.

I had an appointment with my OB at 10:30, and I was having contractions about every 10 minutes, but they still weren't too bad. My OB checked me, and I was 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced, but she felt like it could be a while yet, so she sent me back to work.

Back at work, the contractions started getting more intense and closer together. I got to the Labor and Delivery Floor at 1:00pm, and Elliott arrived at 2:54pm. So, it was a really fast, really intense labor yet again.

We had a little bit of a scare during delivery in that Eli's heart rate started to decrease pretty low. So, they used a Vacuum to assist him out. That was not fun. But once he was out, and got checked over well, he was a healthy, beautiful boy.

Elliott weighed 8lbs 8oz (holy moly what a big boy!) and was 22.5 inches long. It was definitely a noticeable difference pushing him out compared to Emma.

We are busy enjoying this little munchkin at home. Emma could take or leave him. She will put blankets on him or give him a pacifier, but if we try to have her hold him, she wants nothing to do with that. It's getting a little better, but Emma is still adjusting to having another person in our house.

I am currently nursing Elliott, and it is going much better than it went with Emma. I really have not had any problems with it so far, which is great. Nighttime is quite an adjustment again. Some nights are better than others, but of course he is up every 3-4 hours to eat, and he takes a while to nurse some nights because he falls asleep while he's eating. We are getting into somewhat of a routine, but there are many, many sleepless nights in my immediate future, but Elliott's cuteness makes up for it.

All the family members have been out to meet Elliott, and everybody loves him. I am adjusting to all the "boy" things, but I am loving the change and I am so happy to have both a daughter and a son.

Thanksgiving was spent at our house with John's family. It was pretty low key, but it was nice. I can't believe Eli is already a week and a half old! Time is already flying, but I am feeling a little cooped up already. I would say having a baby in the summer time is more fun than in the winter, but I will survive. I have Eli and Netflix to keep me company.

I will leave you with some adorable baby Eli pics :)

Brand new, and getting weighed

Our beautiful baby boy

Emma meeting Elliott

Our family of 4

Proud Grandparents


The one time Emma would hold Eli

Emma's first Haircut

She did so well :)

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