Sunday, February 22, 2015

Back to work

So, I survived my first week back at work. Overall, it went pretty well. I fell back into my old routine without any major catastrophes. I remembered everything just fine, even the numbered codes that I have memorized at work. It was a pretty busy week, so it flew past pretty quick.

The hardest part was juggling the home life along with the work life. I was definitely more tired this week with getting up with Elliott in the middle of the night, working all day, fighting a cold, and then doing it all over again. But it was a good week, and we all survived it just fine and are getting into a pretty good routine.

Everyone in the house has colds right now. Mine is finally getting better, Emma has been a snotty mess for 2 weeks, Elliott has gooey eyes and a runny nose, and John's still trying to fight off the cold. So, pretty much once the kids are asleep, we are asleep these days.

My parents came to visit this weekend. They hadn't seen the kids since Elliott's baptism, so they were pretty eager to come and visit the kiddos. They came Friday night, and Emma was super excited to see them and play with them. It took her forever to finally settle down and go to bed.

Saturday was a fun day. We spent the beginning of the day just visiting with my parents and playing with the kids. And, I did some house cleaning along the way since I had babysitters and not much time to clean during the week anymore. After lunch at Beef O'Brady's, John and I headed to Brookings to meet up with some college friends and watch a double-header Jackrabbit Basketball Game.

It was really nice to catch up with everyone, since we hadn't seen some of our friends for such a long time. After the game, we went to Buffalo Wild Wings to visit some more and drink some beer. We got lost in conversation, and didn't get home until 2:00 am. Boy, did I pay for that today! It's been a long time since I have been awake that long.

Today was a pretty casual day. First of all, it was absolutely freezing outside, so we enjoyed just staying inside the house for the day. My parents left in the afternoon, and John had an engagement session, so I had some time alone with the kiddos which was nice.

Right now, Elliott is sleeping in his crib, John is working on getting Emma to sleep, and I am enjoying some quiet time. And I am super drowsy, and getting ready to close my eyes and sleep. I've got another full week of work and busy evenings at home to prepare for.

And I am hoping that warmer weather is on the way :)

Sibling love

Sharing bath time :)

Elliott loves bath time

Emma showing some attitude...

And then being her goofy self

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