Friday, February 13, 2015

Last Week of Maternity Leave

My last week of maternity leave is sure flying by. Technically, today is basically my last day of maternity leave-just have the weekend after this, and then back to work on Monday. I am both ready to go back, and not ready to go back. I am going to miss my days with Elliott, and my evenings with my family. But, I am going enjoy going back to work with a routine, and more adult interaction in my life.

It has been an interesting week to say the least. On Monday night, Emma caught whatever John and I had-and she threw up all over the place. Like 3 times. There we were giving Emma a bath and doing laundry at 3:00 am. It was not so fun. There was not much sleeping going on in the Nelson Household that evening. Luckily, Elliott never got it.

Tuesday was a pretty short evening since everyone was exhausted from the night before. I think everyone was asleep by 9:00pm. It was glorious.

On Wednesday, Rachel came for a visit. We visited and played with the kids for a while, before heading to the mall to let Emma play in the play area and do a little shopping. We also ate some supper, before heading home again. Rachel enjoyed giving Emma a bath and putting her to bed, and having some bonding time.

Yesterday, I was able to get out of the house and run some errands while Rachel watched the kiddos. I picked up Eli's birth certificate, opened a savings account for him, and then ran to Wal-mart to pick up a few things. It was really nice to get some of these things done with hauling the kids around.

Today has been pretty chill. Elliott and I have been watching a little TV and just hanging out. We are enjoying our last day at home together while mommy is on maternity leave. Also, Elliott slept through the night last night!!!!!! I don't know if it was a fluke, or if I can expect it to happen again, but it was amazing. He was in bed by 8:30pm and didn't get up again until 7:00 am. It was so nice to get a full night's rest, hopefully it continues-especially with me going back to work :)

Emma is at daycare right now, having a Valentine's Day Party and a Pajama Day. How fricken adorable. I am sure she will be all sugared up when she gets home later today!

So, anyway, I am just trying to soak in my last day at home before reality starts again. Here's to my last day of Maternity Leave :)

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