Monday, February 2, 2015

Super Bowl Weekend.

I go back to work two weeks from today. That's pretty crazy! The last 10 weeks have flown by! This last weekend went by pretty quickly as well.

On Saturday, we took the kids out to Jim and Barb's house. It was the first trip out to their farm for Eli, so that was pretty exciting for everyone. The weather wasn't great, it was pretty snowy and cold, but Emma had fun going outside to see the chickens and pick some eggs. We also toured the flower shop/store as they did some new construction to the building.

Otherwise, we had fun just sitting around visiting and playing with the kids. Emma had a blast playing with all the "new" toys at Grandma and Grandpa's house. They also have a box full of princess dresses to play dress-up with. So, Emma was pretty much in heaven.

We headed back pretty early since the weather was turning bad, and enjoyed a nice quiet evening at home. Emma fell asleep on the way home, so she was a ball full of energy until about 10:00pm. That was fun.

Sunday we spent the morning doing some house chores, and clearing away the 4 inches of snow that fell overnight. We were invited to a Super Bowl Party by a couple from our church, so we went to that at about 4pm. There were a bunch of kids Emma's age, so she had a great time playing with all the toys and all the kids. Eli did pretty well at the party. He just sat on our laps and took it all in, and took a couple naps along the way as well.

I was too busy visiting with everyone to really watch the game, but it was an exciting one. The Patriots beat the Seahawks by 4 points, and it came right down to the last minute of the game. I also missed all the commercials, so I had to watch them on Hulu this morning with Elliott. There were some good ones again this year.

Eli is starting to sleep better at night, and it is amazing. He usually is asleep by 8-9 pm and then he sleeps until about 4:30 am. This doesn't happen every single night, but it's becoming more consistent. And then he usually eats, and then goes back to sleep for another couple hours. Sometime it takes a good half hour to hour to get him back to sleep, but it's still better than it used to be. I have also been sleeping in the basement up to this point, so now I am going to try to make it back upstairs with a baby monitor. I am excited to sleep in my own bed again! YAY!!! Although, Emma has another cold, so there could be some rough nights ahead...

Otherwise, not much new in the Nelson Household. The weather is cold and snowy again. I am trying to get myself a little prepared for going back to work so it doesn't completely kick my butt. Also, I have been working out pretty consistently, trying to lose some baby weight. These things all keep me pretty busy, and the days are just cruising by!

Have a great week everyone :)

Smiley boy

Emma combing Elliott's hair

Great-Grandpa Percy looking at photos of the kids 

Emma snuggling with Elliott 

Dressing up as a princess 

Grandpa Jim with his grandkids 

More smiles 

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