Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day :)

It's Valentine's Day today! Since it's a Saturday, and it's Valentine's Day in Sioux Falls, we knew better than to try and make any plans as the city will be crazy busy today. So, we decided to just run some errands in the morning, and then have a low-key day.

We spent the morning just hanging out at a family, and enjoying some time together. The kids were being super adorable and love-y (they must have known it was Valentine's Day!!)

Since it is so cold out today (I think the high is 6 degrees) we were looking for something fun to do inside. We decided it would be a fun day to take the kids to "Dino-roars". The zoo transformed one of their indoor rooms to house dinosaurs that look real, move, and make dinosaur noises. Emma was a little bit terrified of them at first, but eventually she warmed up to them and thought they were pretty cool. Elliott had a good time just looking around at the everything and taking it all in. After looking at all the dinosaurs, and digging up fossils, Emma spent some time playing in the play areas in the Museum and the zoo. It was nice to let her burn off some energy. We had to basically drag her out of there to get some lunch.

Emma requested "noodles" for lunch, so we hit up Valentino's for lunch. It was a mediocre buffet, but Emma sure enjoyed her pasta and pizza. She was such a mess by the end of the meal, it was crazy. Elliott behaved pretty well in the restaurant, but John or I had to hold him the entire meal as he was not having his car seat for some reason.

After lunch, we still had to hit up Costco. We made it a quick trip since both kiddos were in desperate need of a nap. Luckily, Emma fell asleep on the car ride home, so that made it easy to put her to bed. Elliott had a bottle once we got home, and then it didn't take long for him to fall asleep either. Right now, everyone is sleeping, and I am enjoying the silence.

Not much planned for the rest of the day. We are just happy we get to stay in our warm home, away from the craziness that will be Sioux Falls tonight. Man, we are getting old!

Hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day, and don't forget to tell that special someone how much you love them. And not just today, but every day!!!! I love my three Valentines very much, and feel so very blessed to have them in my life.

Emma and Elliott playing on Emma's old activity mat

Emma "digging" for fossils 

These little rides are apparently the best thing ever 

Fun at the zoo

Sibling love 


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