Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A Week without Daddy

John went on a fishing trip to the Lake of the Wood the last week of August. He went with his Dad, his brother, and some other family and friends, and they were gone for an entire week. So, I was on single mommy duty for an entire week. It actually went really well, but I was pretty tired by the end of the week.

John left very early in the morning on Saturday, August 20th. I spent the day with the kids at home, and then we went to Canton, for their city days. They had a bouncy house, kids games, and then a parade where they threw out a ton of candy. The kids loved it, and Emma probably ate too much candy.

After the parade, the kids went out to grandma's house for the night, so I could go to a Canaries Game with some friends. It was a beautiful night for baseball, and it was nice to have some adult time before a week of just me and the kids. The Canaries lost pretty badly, but it was still an amazing night. On Sunday, I went to church (by myself, which was awesome!) and then I helped with the brunch after church in honor of the called workers at church. Afterwards, I went and got the kids and enjoyed a nice Sunday at home with the kids.

The week without John flew by pretty quickly. I pretty much got up, got kids ready, dropped kids off at daycare, worked, picked up kids, cooked supper, played, and then put kids to bed again. It made for some long days, but it all went very well. Elliott of course got a bad cold during the week, so he was up coughing a couple nights, which made some of the days even longer. But overall, kids were happy and healthy all week, and we survived.

On Friday of that week, I packed the kids up and we headed to Minnesota for the weekend. I was in my friend, Samantha's wedding, so my parents were going to watch the kids while I went to the rehearsal and groomsman supper, and during the entire wedding day on Saturday. My parents really enjoyed having the kids around for the weekend, and they all had a really good time.

Ready for the Canton Parade

Trying to survive being a single mom for a week :)

Elliott and Mommy selfie

A rainbow over the Canaries Game

Fun in the park

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