Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Emma's first day of preschool

Summer is officially wrapping up around here, and it's sort of sad. I love summer, and I feel like I blinked and now it's over. However, I love fall. I love the cooler days, the sweater season, the changing colors, Halloween, harvesting, and a warm cup of coffee. I also love football season, and chili cook off. Fall may be my favorite season ever! I just don't really like what follows fall.

But anyway, the days have been getting a little shorter, and a little cooler. I brought the kids to the zoo the other day, and it was just beautiful outside, and everyone enjoyed the visit. Then everyone had some fun helping to wash cars in the driveway.

Something crazy happened today, Emma has her very first day of Pre-K. She just moved up to the Pre-K room, which is a preschool that is built into our daycare. It's very convenient, and Emma is so excited for it. I don't know how my little girl is ready for preschool already. I know everyone says it, but where did the time go? I blinked, and she went from being a little tiny baby to this independent little girl, excited for school, excited to learn, and excited to explore new things.

I am so proud that she embraces these new things in her life, and she feels confident enough to be excited and happy to go to preschool, and not scared to change rooms. She is getting so smart, and she is such a sweet little girl. She loves to go places and do things with her mommy (and I love it too) and she is such a good big sister to her brother. Those two actually get along pretty well most of time, which is wonderful.

This morning, all Emma could talk about was her Pre-K room and all the new things that come with that. She was giddy with excitement this morning. It was adorable.

I am so proud of my little preschooler, and I can't wait to see all the things she learns and how much fun she has in this next step in her education.

Emma is more than ready for preschool. I love that little girl so much, and I am so proud of her :)

Looking at the monkeys at the zoo

Carousel at the zoo 

Washing mom's car

Emma ready for her first day of preschool (notice the Paw Patrol backpack?!)

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