Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Samantha's Wedding

My good friend, Samantha, got married this past weekend. I was lucky enough to be asked to be a bridesmaid and I had a wonderful weekend helping my friends celebrate her wedding day.

I got to my parent's house on Friday, at around noon. We fed the kids, played outside some, and then my Grandparents came out to see the kids, and I got to visit with them for a little while.

At 5pm, I left to go to Gibbon for Rehearsal at the church. We walked through the ceremony a couple times and then after that we headed out to the Groom, Steve's, parent's house for a supper. It was a beautiful evening, with good food, and good company. Sam gave us our wedding party gifts, which was way more extravagant than was necessary, but it was so sweet. They also had a hayride after the supper, but I rode out there with Holly, Jayme and Brittany and they all wanted to head back to get some rest before the big day, so we left.

Saturday was a really fun, really busy day. We started off in the morning, by getting our hair done in the basement of the church. We also got dressed, and got ready the rest of the way in the church basement. Samantha was such a beautiful bride.

After some mimosas, girl talk, and waiting for everyone to get ready, we took pictures. I enjoyed it for a while, but towards the end I felt like my face was getting frozen in a certain way, and not looking very natural anymore. But, then it was over. It went well, and we got all the pictures done in no time. While the bride and groom took some more pictures, the rest of us had a beer (or two) and relaxed before the ceremony.

The wedding ceremony was at 3:00pm, and it only lasted 41 minutes which was awesome. It was a very nice ceremony, and everything went very smoothly. The only thing, and it is cute and funny, is that when they exchanged the rings, they put them on each other's right hands. Not a big deal. But pretty cute, and kind of funny.

After the church, we had a party bus to take us to the reception. I maybe had a little too much beer, and they were passing around some nasty shots, so I was feeling pretty good by the time we got to the reception in Winthrop. I wasn't completely wasted or anything, but definitely feeling good.

We had a nice meal at the reception, with some good speeches, some terrible singing (in order to get the bride and groom to kiss) and a beautiful slide show. They also had a really fun photo booth, and a videographer catching all the important moments.

After the food, the DJ got started up, and we had a great night of dancing. John showed up around 8pm, and I hadn't seen him in over a week, so it was a very nice surprise. We danced, and drank and had a good time. It was a beautiful celebration, and Congrats to the newlyweds!!

Sunday was a recovery day. We slept in (thanks mom and dad!) and then spent a good part of the day playing with the kids out on the farm. Then, we made the journey back to Sioux Falls. The kids did very well, and it was a very successful weekend. Everyone had a very good time, but it was time to be back home and back to a normal routine.

Building Forts at Grandma Patty's 

Rachel and I at Sam's Wedding 

Holly and I 

The beautiful bride and me 

Unity candle 

Maid of honor speech

Me and the hubby

Rachel came for a little while too 

Emma loves farm life 

Emma and I 

Fun at the park 

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