Friday, November 15, 2013

17 Months

I haven't done one of these blogs in a while, but Emma is 17 months old today (Holy crap.). She is at such a fun age right now, but she is starting to test us at times, those terrible twos aren't too far away.

Emma's gross motor skills are coming along really well. She just runs all over the place, constantly. It's amazing how good she has gotten at getting from point A to point B. And kinda scary. There's no keeping tabs on her now.

Her fine motor skills are going really well too. She does not say too many words yet though. She says "mom-mom-mom" "dada" "ball" and "hi". And that's about it. She understands a lot more than she says, but I am anxious for her to be able to communicate more with us.

Emma's likes

-Her latest thing is to bring a book or a toy over, to turn around with her butt towards us and then plop down in our lap to look at the book with us. Cutest. Thing. Ever.

-Pacifier (This has finally been limited to bedtime only. Most of the time it NEVER even leaves the crib. Once in a while we accidentally leave it laying on the counter, and Emma will see it and then think she needs it, but otherwise it is for bedtime only. Thank God.)

-Being outside (This is tough this time of year. Emma loves to be outside, and sometimes she gets down right crabby if we don't let her go outside when it's freezing out. I already can't wait until summer.)

-Bathtime- Emma still absolutely loves bath time. Splashing, playing, squealing, and laughing usually always happens during bath time. And she gets mad when it's time to come out.

-Food. Emma likes to eat, just about anything. She's gotten really good with fruits and veggies, she still loves mosts kinds of meat. And we gave her her first chocolate at Halloween, and she sure thought that was great! She has a good appetite and usually eats really well for us. But lately, when she is done (or feeling naughty) she will start throwing her food on the floor. Not cool.

-Bedtime. I don't know if this is really a "like", but bedtime has gotten so easy around here. Once Emma starts acting tired (usually around 8:00 pm) we give Emma her pacifier and lay her in her crib. That is all. She usually rolls right over to her side, doesn't make a peep, and passes right out. It is heavenly. And she sleeps until 7-7:30 am. I am loving getting my sleep again. It's going to be tough to go back to sleepless nights with baby #2 someday, not that that's happening anytime soon mind you.

-Mommy. Emma is such a momma's girl. There is no question who she will choose between me and John. And sometimes she will freak out if John takes her away from me.  I think it's just a phase, and it makes me feel really good that she wants me so bad, but I feel bad for John when Emma screams at him sometimes. When just John and Emma are together she does just fine, it's when I am around that Emma really shows her favoritism.

-Books. Emma can look at books all day. Okay, maybe not all day, but she loves books. And she will "read" books to herself out loud which is adorable. She especially likes her books that make noise.

-Being tickled. Cutest Giggle Ever!!

-Music. Emma loves to dance anytime music comes on. Sometimes she moves her arms, other times she tilts her head from side to side.

Emma's Dislikes

-Being changed/having to hold still. She doesn't like to have her diaper changed or to be dressed at all. She does okay with it, but gets fussy and antsy towards the end because she wants to be able to run around.

-Being told "no". She understands this word, and when she points to something or does something and we say "no", she instantly starts crying and carrying-on. It usually doesn't last too long, especially if we can distract her with something else. But throwing fits is Emma's new trick, and John and I are not impressed.

-New people. It takes Emma a while to warm up to new faces, which is completely normal at this age.

Overall, Emma is such a happy little toddler, and I feel so blessed to be her mommy. I have her to myself this entire weekend because John is hunting out in west river, so I am looking forward to some high quality mother-daughter bonding time. I haven't quite decided what we are all going to do, but it will be fun!

I will leave you with some pictures of Emma and me from tonight! Have a great weekend everyone!

Emma: The destructor

This is what she does, empties everything out of everything. Cute, but tiresome. 

Selfie with a one-year-old: Not easy. 


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