Sunday, November 24, 2013

Holiday Weekend :)

I just finished up my call-week at work, and it actually went really well. It was one of the best call weeks I have ever had, so that was nice.

I had Thursday and Friday off, which I enjoyed every minute of. I got caught up with things at home and enjoyed spending some quality time with Emma.

On Friday, Emma sort of broke my heart a little. I had planned to have her stay home with me all day and play the day away, but once John started getting ready to go to work, Emma wanted her coat and shoes on, and she wanted to go to daycare. I love the fact that she loves daycare so much, but it's sad to think about how fast she is growing up and how independent she is getting!

So, I enjoyed some time to myself on Friday, and then I went and picked her up a little early from daycare and we headed to the mall. We went to Xcite, which is where kids can play in multiple inflatable jump houses. Emma was a little unsure of this, I think she's a little too young for it, but it was worth a try.

We did some shopping around for my work Secret Santa, and then we had a snack break, and headed home.

I had to work on Saturday, and it was the SLOWEST Saturday I have every worked. Usually, we are really busy on Saturdays, and sometimes we put in 20 hour days, but we had a lot of down time on Saturday, so we walked over to the Prairie Center, which was hosting A Festival of Trees.

There were decorated trees (which were auctioned off and bought the night before with the proceeds going to some kind of fundraiser), hot cocoa, santa, and cookies. It was fun to walk around and look at everything, and it was a nice way to move the day along.

Then, John surprised me and showed up at my work with Emma. So, we trekked back over to the Prairie Center so Emma could meet Santa. Emma has never met Santa before, and I pretty much knew it would be a disaster, but I thought we better at least try.

Emma didn't even try to like it. She just freaked out. Wailed and screamed until I took her off of Santa's lap. We are going to Breakfast with Santa in a couple weeks, so hopefully it will go better then.

This could be a fun Christmas card, am I right?

We also just wandered around looking at Christmas trees again, killing time...

The rest of my shift went really well, I was home by 7 and stayed home all night. Today, we went to church, and then had a nice lazy Sunday at home as a family. Emma had a great day. She was happy, giggly, and just fun to be around. She is finally starting to talk a little more as well. She can now say "ball", "uh-oh", "hi", "mom-mom" "dada" and "nigh-nigh". It's so cute to hear her talk more.

I couldn't have asked for a better weekend. I had oodles of family time (which I love) and a great week of work. I look forward to all the family time in store for us this week with Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Week Everyone!!!

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