Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Emma is turning into quiet the character, and it seems like every day she is learning new words. Lately, she puts her hand in the air and says "ta-da" anytime she is searching for some attention. She also says "butt", in reference to every time I change her I tell her I am changing her butt. She also says "hat", "coat", "blue", 'blocks", "milk", "more", "no", "yuck", "nose", "baby", "Elmo", "Emma", "ma-ma", "da-da", "buh-bye", Not all of these words are new, and these aren't all her words, but they are her most frequently used words.

I love seeing her vocabulary grow, it's amazing how fast she picks up on things and how quickly she's growing.

She also can tell us the sounds a kitty, puppy, cow, monkey, duck, and sheep makes. It's so cute to hear her make animal noises-she's so dramatic about it!!

She is such a little girl and loves screaming/squealing at things in excitement. Her reflection and her shadow gets her really excited. She also loves to be chased and running around the house. And let me tell you, Emma running on her little legs is the cutest thing ever.

We recently moved all of her toys into our basement living room, so as soon as we head downstairs with her she gets all excited because she knows whats coming. Her favorite toys right  now are her mega blocks. wooden blocks, coloring with crayons, and anything that makes music she can dance to.

Bedtime continues to go smoothly. We give her a pacifier, a sippy cup of water, her blanket, and lay her down, and typically she goes right to sleep. Most of the time she sleeps all night, unless a coughing fit wakes her up. I fear the day we have to disrupt our routine and move her to a big-girl bed. But so far, there has been no crawling out of her crib...

Emma sure is developing a personality and is sure growing into a little girl. Sometimes I am sad to think about how fast she is growing up, but it is so fun to watch her learning and growing. She will always be my little girl :)

Emma playing with her "blocks" 

Playing with her dollie house

Little Artist

Left Handed like mommy??

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