Monday, January 26, 2015

2 Months Old

Elliott turned two months old on Saturday. These last two months have both flown by, and taken a long time. When I think about being in the hospital with him or being pregnant with him, that feels like forever ago. However, it's hard to believe that he has been in our lives for 2 months already.

He is a big boy. We have our two month check up tomorrow, so I will get the official weight then, but we weighed him about a week ago and he was around 16 pounds. So it will be interesting to see just how big he really is.

He currently wears 9 months-sized clothing. He is getting really strong with his neck, and hold his head up for quite a while, before it starts flopping around again. He also can lift up his head and shoulders when doing tummy time, so rolling over is probably not a long ways away. He makes very good eye contact, and he smiles a lot. It is totally adorable. He also eats a lot and is growing like crazy!

Elliott's likes:
-Pacifier (he likes it to fall asleep with, but then usually it falls out and he doesn't care too much about it anymore

-Formula (Unfortunately, breastfeeding didn't work out-and I couldn't keep up. So, he drinks a good 6 oz of formula every 3-4 hours, all day long.)

-Cuddling (This little guy loves to cuddle. He would be in heaven if I held him all day, every day. But usually there are at least a few things I need to get done during the day...)

-Grunting (This is one noisy boy. He's noisy when he eats. He grunts and groans when he is hungry, or pooping, or really any time. He is even noisy when he sleeps. Basically, he likes to make himself known)

-His swing (He really likes watching the animal mobile go around and around. After about 15 minutes he is done and wants out of the swing, but for that 15 minutes he is memorized.)

-Car rides (He likes his carrier-which is has almost outgrown already, and usually car rides put him right to sleep. Which is amazing!)

Elliott's Dislikes:

-Being hungry (He is not patient at all when waiting for a bottle!)

-Having gas (This is one gassy boy, and he gets very mad when he has a burp stuck. So mad in fact, that he is usually pushing against us and fighting us when we burp him sometimes)

-Being wet/dirty (Emma never minded a wet or a dirty diaper-Elliott wants nothing to do with it. Sometimes he throws an all-out fit, and all he needs is a dry diaper.)

That's really about all for right now. Elliott is still just a baby that mainly eats, sleeps, and poops. But he is starting to develop a personality, and we are starting to learn what he likes and doesn't like. It's amazing how different two kids can be.

Overall, Elliott is a pretty good baby. He is sleeping 6 hours straight most nights, which is amazing. But then it takes forever to get him back to sleep again, and that can get frustrating. He also is a very gassy baby, so we burp him like crazy. But sometimes he can still need to be burped again 20 minutes after we lay him down-so it's hard to know when we get all the air out of him for sure. And he can just be wiggly and fussy sometimes, and it's hard to know what he wants. Sometimes I don't think he ever knows what he wants at times. I can have him completely passed out asleep, and then as soon and I lay him down, he starts wiggling around, grunting, and then eventually crying.

It's still a little bit of a learning process with him. But we are so happy to have him in our lives and his adorable chubby cheeks make everything all better. Emma is even coming around even more as a big sister and likes to show Elliott things and even read him books sometimes. Super cute.

Poor little Elliott is going to get his first vaccines tomorrow, poor guy has no idea what he is in for. Hopefully, he handles them like a champ and doesn't get too crabby or feverish from them.

Happy 2 Months Elliott!!

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