Sunday, January 4, 2015


I am sitting here with a Starbuck's coffee, bundled up with a blanket, and watching some playoff football while I blog this. It is damn cold outside. It is a whopping 0 degrees outside, with a windchill of about -20. Brrrr. And unfortunately it is supposed to stay cold for a little while, and we are supposed to get 3-5 inches of snow tomorrow. Fun times. Besides our little adventure to church this morning (which is becoming an adventure with the four of us now) and a quick Hy-Vee stop, we are not going anywhere else in this freezing cold weather!!

Right now, I am enjoying some awesome peace and quiet. I just got Emma down for a nap, and John and Elliott are taking a nap as well. It's been a while since it's been this quiet in the house, and I have to admit I am loving it :)

So, 2015 is here. That's hard to believe. Our New Year's Eve was pretty low-key. Emma was down by 9pm. John, Elliott, and I watched some TV while the adults had some wine. I fell asleep at about 11:30pm. I couldn't quiet make it, especially knowing I would be up with the little guy a few times throughout the night.

New Years Day was also pretty quiet in our house. It was actually pretty nice outside, like in the 30s and sunny. I ran a couple errands during nap time, and then Emma and I took advantage of the nice weather and burned off some energy outside.

On Friday, John was nice enough to book me a massage, so I went and took advantage of that while Jim came and babysat Elliott while I was gone. It was heavenly, and really relaxed me. It was nice out again, so I took advantage and ran a couple more errands and enjoyed some time on the town by myself.

This weekend has been pretty darn cold, so we have spent most of it cooped up inside the house. Thank goodness Emma has new toys from Christmas to keep her busy, so we don't all go crazy. Elliott is starting to become a little less gassy and fussy, so I am hoping it was just a phase and we are getting over it. The nights are slowly starting to get a little bit better as well, so here's hoping for the best, and hoping that I may get to sleep again someday!!

The new year has been pretty good so far. I didn't really even have time to think up any resolutions for the year. Right now, my focus is on losing my baby weight, and just being a healthier person in general. I have gotten my house pretty organized and cleaned while I have been on maternity leave, so that has been a nice accomplishment for 2015. Now, I just need to catch up on my scrapbooking for Emma and Elliott, and I will be in pretty good shape.

On an unrelated note, I got my schedule for when I return to work in February. Wow, that was a shocker. That's going to come a lot sooner than I think it is! Right now, I am loving my time at home with my kiddos, and I really like not having to be anywhere when it is so freezing cold outside!!!

Emma loves her suckers

Frozen dress

Playing in the snow

Proud big sister

Play-Doh fun

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