Monday, January 12, 2015

Elliott's Baptism

It was a fast, busy weekend in the Nelson Household. My family arrived on Saturday and spent the night for Elliott's baptism the next day. Saturday was a pretty fun day. My parents stayed home and watched Emma and Elliott, while John, Ryan, and I went around town and ran some errands. It was nice to do some kid-free shopping for a while.

After errands, we ended up just hanging out at home visiting and playing with the kiddos. We also had fresh Canadian fish and homemade french fries for supper. There was also some playoff football watching and wine/beer drinking involved. It was a great day. And best of all, my mom volunteered to watch Elliott overnight, and I got a goodnight's sleep for once! Hooray!

Sunday was busy, and it was over in a flash. My grandparents also made the trip to Sioux Falls and met us at the house before we left for church. Jim, Barb, and Jeff met us at church for the 10:30 am service and Elliott was baptized during the service. He did very well. He fussed and cried a little while pastor was pouring the water on his head, but otherwise he was good. Emma was really good during the service as well.

After church, we took some pictures. After that, we headed back to our house for some soup and sandwiches and some socializing. It was a fun afternoon having everyone together and celebrating the Baptism of Elliott. It was a very special day!

Emma was sure bummed to see everyone leave and go home. She had so much fun playing with everybody. Elliott also enjoyed all the attention and snuggling with everyone. It was a fun day, but slightly exhausting. I spent the evening getting the house put back together, and getting the kids settled down and ready for bed.

We had a horrific night last night. I got up with Elliott at 1 am and then ended up being up until 5:30 am straight through. It sucked pretty bad. I got Elliott back to sleep in like an hour, but then Emma decided to get up and roll around and be difficult for a good hour, hour and a half. And then by the time she settled down, Eli was awake again. It was such a LONG night. I have kinda been in zombie mode today, and haven't gotten much accomplished. Sometimes parenthood can be so frustrating!!!

But on a brighter note, tonight has to be better right? Only because it can't be much worse. And I have officially gone down to 4 days a week for daycare, so Emma will be staying home with me and Elliott one day a week, God help me. Hopefully it will go okay.

Tomorrow evening will be a fun time. We are going to Sesame Street Live at the Denny Sanford Premier Center.  Emma won't know what to think. It should be a fun time, and it will be nice to get out of the house for a while.

Stay warm everyone, looks like there's some warmer weather on the horizon!!

Playing with Ryan

Family :)

Aunt and uncles 

Reading with Great-Grandpa Kiecker

Eli's cake, Baptism Certificate, Baptismal cloth & bulletin 

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