Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Elliott's Check up/Fun at the mall

Tuesday was Elliott's official 2 month checkup. He is looking good, and is one healthy little boy. His official stats are:

Length: 251/4 inches long (99th percentile)
Weight: 17 lbs 1 oz (off the charts)

So, basically he is huge for his age. But his doctor says he looks very good, and is very well proportioned. He is just probably going to be a very big boy just like his daddy. Elliott also got 3 shots and 1 oral vaccine yesterday. He handled the shots pretty well, he cried when they first poked him, but he got over it pretty quickly. He was fussy later in the day, and needed a dose of Tylenol, but overall he did pretty darn well.

I took Emma along with us to the doctor, since it was her day of the week to be home with me. I switched to only 4 days a week at daycare to save some money, so one day every week I will have both kiddos home with me. Anyway, Emma was very well behaved at the doctors office, and was very interested in what the doctor was doing with Elliott. She even watched him get his shots, and it didn't freak her out or anything. But she was very concerned about Elliott's "owies". It was pretty cute.

After the doctor, we headed to the mall to let Emma burn off some toddler energy in the play area. She absolutely loved it. We were at the mall for 2.5 hours. She just kept running around squealing with joy, going down the slide, and playing with all the other kids there. I had to drag her away by the end of it.

We had such a successful trip that Emma fell asleep on the way home (yes!) and stayed asleep when we got home. She took a good 2 hour nap, which was glorious. Unfortunately, Elliott was super cranky from his shots during this time, so I was struggling with him in the basement during her nap. But overall, it was a fun day, and I handled 2 little children by myself in the mall. I consider that success :)

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous these last few days with highs in the 40s, which is amazing for January. I have been trying to take advantage of the nice weather. Today, Elliott and I went shopping at Costco and then Fareway Foods. It was nice to get out of the house and enjoy the weather. Elliott behaved pretty well, but he doesn't last too long in his car seat without getting cranky because he is getting too big for it already. His car seat maxes out at 22 pounds, so we don't have too far to go before we have to buy a bigger one. Bummer.

I have less than 3 weeks left of my maternity leave. That is so crazy! I am somewhat ready to go back to work and see everyone and have a routine again, but I am going to miss my little baby, and all my evenings and time with Emma. I am going to try and savor every moment that I have left before going back to working weekends/evenings/nights.

Our forecast lately :)

Elliott sleeping after his shots

Emma loving the mall 

Going down the slide of the 100th time :)

She begged to ride the horsey 

Emma with all her stuffed animals 

We kinda destroyed her room- but we had fun!!!

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