Thursday, January 15, 2015

Sesame Street Live

This has been an interesting week. Unfortunately, Emma got sick this week and has a pretty miserable cough. So, since I am home anyway with Elliott, we didn't even try to send her to daycare and she has been home all week with me and Elliott. It is definitely different having both home with me all day long. I have to get pretty creative to keep both happy and entertained.

I am finally getting into a good routine with them, and I have them both napping right now (for 2 hours even!!! yay me!) Emma is still a hot, snotty mess with a nasty cough, but with all the medication we are giving her she is feeling pretty good and still pretty much acting like herself. I am glad she is getting such a good nap, yesterday we didn't have a nap at all, and that was nearly a disaster.

Luckily, Emma was feeling good enough to go to Sesame Street Live on Tuesday evening. Barb and Jim bought us all tickets to go way back in September. It was pretty fun. Emma was a little overwhelmed and even kinda scared once in a while, but eventually she got a little bit more into it and was dancing along with them and enjoying it. She got spoiled and got binoculars and a light up toy, and Elliott got a sesame street ball. He enjoyed looking at the lights, but mostly he slept through the show. Everyone had a really good time at the show.

John let me out of the house yesterday evening to do some grocery shopping, otherwise it has been another week cooped up inside. If Emma was feeling a little better, I would take us out somewhere because it has been pretty nice this week with highs in the mid 30s. Maybe this weekend we can get out and do something. Anything. I am getting pretty sick of my house.

Otherwise not much else new. We are just trying to survive the day to day around here with the limited amount of sleep everyone in this house gets. Someday it will get easier right? But I do love our little munchkins and all the craziness that comes along with it. I just miss sleep.

Here's hoping that Emma gets well soon, and that Elliott doesn't get whatever she has! And to some better nights rest around here :)


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