Thursday, July 24, 2014

Halfway to meeting Baby #2

I am finally 20 weeks pregnant (actually 21 weeks tomorrow) and I am super excited to be halfway done. It is just not quite as fun being pregnant the second time around. Am I excited to meet Nelson Baby #2? You betcha. I am very much looking forward to the end result, I just am not reveling in the pregnant thing like I did the first time around.

When I was pregnant with Emma, I was reading 3 different pregnancy books at one time, excited to buy maternity clothes, touching my stomach and being in awe of being pregnant constantly.

This time around, things are a little different. I still really enjoy feeling baby move, and boy is she/he really moving around a lot lately!!! I was very excited to have my ultrasound done last week, at get the first peek at baby. And we decided to not find out what we are having, so that will be a fun surprise on delivery day :) I am not just loving being pregnant every day though. It's tough to sleep, I pee all the time, and it is sorta miserable on these hot, humid days. Also, chasing and carrying a toddler around is a little more difficult to say the least.

Emma has been really cute about the pregnancy lately. I'm not sure she fully understands, but at least 5 times a day, she rubs my tummy and says "baby". And sometimes if I am holding her, she touches my boob and says "baby". Haha, so the concept maybe isn't quite completely there. But I think she will be a great big sister, and it will be exciting to see her adapt to a new role in the family.

But, as much as I am complaining, the pregnancy is going really well. No problems, no major complaints. Baby looked happy and healthy on the ultrasound. And we are most definitely looking forward to expanding our family to 4 come December.

On a separate note, I had yesterday off, so in the afternoon I took Emma to Sertoma Park, and we had a blast. It wasn't very busy at all, so Emma enjoyed exploring all the different playgrounds at her own speed. And she discovered how fun teeter totters are!!

Today, John went to Fargo for work and he doesn't come back until tomorrow afternoon, so Emma and I had a fun evening to ourselves, and she pooped out at 8:30pm with no complaints. Guess she was wore out :)

Tomorrow, my parents are coming to town to watch Emma all weekend while I work, and John leaves for Canada. I think they are pretty excited to spend some time alone with Emma. Tomorrow, I at least get to hang out with them a little bit and show them where some parks and pools are so they can take Emma over the weekend.

So, that's what's new around here. We are enjoying the heck out of summer, but I can't believe it's almost over! How is it almost August already? At least that means we are closer to December :) :)

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